Kitchen & Home

Favorite Cookbooks- Recommended Reading

Recipes are everywhere on the internet, but they will never replicate the enjoyment of cracking the spine of a printed cookbook, thumbing through the crisp pages for inspiration and bookmarking the most appealing recipes to try.

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The Ugly Truth about Beauty Care Products

Personal care products have become a multi-billion dollar industry in the United States. There are over 850 companies in the US that manufacture personal care products with a combined annual revenue of $43 billion dollars. As consumers we are seduced on a daily basis by the intoxicating aromas, flashy packaging, and the enticing promises of everlasting youth these products offer. But there is a dark side to this as well, the ugly truth about personal care products.

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Should We Be Eating Peanut Butter?

Personally I love peanut butter, it is just so delicious! But, as I continue my journey of learning about the benefits of food I have learned that my beloved peanut butter may not love me back in the same way.

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Jicama: Nutritious and Delicious

Jicama is a tuberous vegetable, it looks sort of like a smooth round potato, or a brown rutabaga or turnip. They can be quite large, with bark-like skin, but on the inside they bright white, crunchy and juicy with a sweet and nutty flavor. Jicama tastes like a savory apple.

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