The Reset Program

Rebuild Health. Release Weight.

Let Me Guess...You've Tried Everything!

We hear that all the time...but there is a better way!

Our RESET clients routinely lose 30+ Pounds in 12 weeks and maintain that weight loss for years.

Introducing the Reset

Your Holistic Weight Loss and Lifestyle System

Debunking Common Weight Loss Myths

I’ve Tried Everything!

Many of our patients feel like they’ve literally tried everything to address their wellness challenges – and as a result are skeptical about the amazing results of our Simple 7 Lifestyle Reset. 

Yet once we dive into their personal health history during the intake session, it quickly becomes clear that they haven’t tried “everything”. And once they realize why their previous efforts have not yielded the desired results, it opens the door for new possibilities… especially when you have the right program and guide by your side!

I Don’t Have Time

Yes, you can’t make more time… but you can choose how to spend your time. When you’re not at optimal health, you’re missing out on so much in life… from your work productivity, your social life, to your happiness. Imagine all the time wasted struggling with your health condition, unable to pursue the things you love most! That’s why we believe that establishing optimal health is one of the cornerstones for an optimal life. So to make this program as convenient as possible, we provide several options to schedule your intake (from in-person to telemedicine consult via video) – along with instructional videos for the Simple 7 Lifestyle Reset.


I Can Figure This Out Myself

If information alone were enough, then Dr. Google would have already healed you, right? Frankly, we live in a world with an overabundance of information, often conflicting with each other – that’s why we provide something far more valuable… clinical insights on what your specific situation requires. As functional nutrition practitioners and coaches, our team has the expertise to get to the root cause of what ails you, and then craft a custom-tailored strategy to address your wellness challenges and help you reach your health goals.


Reset Results

Robert thought he was too old to change his health. Nope!

Laura lost weight and gained massive confidence.

Miranda shed 36 lbs and went from a size 12 to a 6

Jeff found his abs and gained tons of energy.

Partner With Us

A Simple Easy-To-Follow Program

Unlike other programs you may have tried before, the Reset focuses on working with your body, instead of against it.

That’s why we provide you with all the support for long-term success – from approved food lists with simple, easy, and delicious recipes to training materials on how to get over weight loss plateaus and pesky mindset issues you might run into.

Master Key Skills For Life

The Reset focuses on lifestyle changes that are easy to maintain long-term – so you can finally stop the yo-yoing weight. 

You’ll discover & build health skills that will benefit you (and your family) for life… whether you’re at work, at home, or out and about. 

Our goal is to help you make smarter health decisions, and instill an “independently healthy” mindset.

Holistic Support for Mind and Body

Health can be a complicated puzzle, and your puzzle is unique to you. Our overarching goal is to craft a personalized, holistic health strategy for you. Just following a diet doesn’t work for most people, because without addressing hormones and gut health it can cause more stress and dysfunction of the adrenals and thyroid, slowing weight loss down and disrupting your gut balance.

Coaching & Support

Coaching is one of the most important determinants for sustained health – and yet people lack support from the people around them when they need it most… specifically when they go about changing their habits.

That’s why with the Reset, you’ll get individual attention and expert advice from Dr. Duggar. His extensive knowledge of functional and lifestyle medicine will help him personalize your care so that you maximize your results. 

Let's Get Started

We only choose to work with clients that we believe we can help and who are committed to doing the work of healing.

That’s why we require that you first meet with our team on a FREE 15-minute “health strategy session”.

This can be done over Zoom, the phone,  or in person. At the end of the call, you will be invited to schedule your initial appointment with Dr. Duggar if we both feel that we’re a good fit to work together. 

Book Your Strategy Session Now

The Reset FAQs

A – Regardless of where you live, we can work together via telehealth coaching. 

A – Unlike many other weight loss programs, the Reset works without shakes, bars, pre-packaged foods or gimmicks – just delicious whole foods. We’ll provide you with ample options what you can eat – with 50+ pages of delicious, easy-to-prepare recipes, and cook-once-eat-twice options. Overall, the  Reset is based on whole foods with clean sources of protein, lots of vegetables and fruit – so you’ll feel full without cravings.

A – Many factors impact how soon you’ll reach your desired health goals – including your current health situation, how far you’ve got to go, and how committed you are during the process. Please realize that there’s no magic pill that can instantly reverse the effects of years of neglected health. At the same time, resolution of your health issues can be so much faster when you have the right guide by your side. Let us be your guide! As part of the program, we’ll craft a custom-tailored strategy to address your unique wellness challenges and help you reach your health goals.

A – The overall program duration is 12 weeks, with the first week being a “Set Up” phase to get ready. starting with two “loading days”. During the next 6 weeks, you’ll go through the “Slim Down” phase before transitioning to the “Sustain” phase for another 5 weeks (to stabilize your new weight set point). Throughout the entire journey, you’ll have ongoing support through our private online community and direct access to me for support. And for those of you that want ongoing support and coaching after the completion of the program, we provide affordable options.

A – If you have more weight to lose, you may repeat the program as many times as you like. Simply pay for the products you need. You will have continued access to the online course. This will enable you to continue to learn and benefit from our growing library of knowledge and have access to special offers, events, and trainings.
A – We designed this program to have permanent results. The results will correspond with your adherence to a healthy lifestyle. The lessons learned through this program will sustain you for a lifetime. It’s not about perfection, it’s about the pursuit of your best self over the long-run.
A – This program is NOT for those that are extremely ill or have a debilitating chronic disease. This program is for those that deeply value their health, are highly coachable, accept accountability, are responsive to positive feedback, and are honest with themselves and others. The goal of this program is not perfection, instead the goal is for personal growth. If you are strictly doing this program to look good, this is not the program for you. This program is for those that are willing to do better so they can feel better. Improved appearance is the inevitable result. We also don’t advise pregnant or nursing women to do this program.
A – If you are ready to get started, click the button on this page to be taken to the registration page. If you have additional questions, click the button to Book a Consultation with our team. We will then contact you to discuss your personal situation and if it’s the right fit, we’ll get you enrolled so you can get started on your health journey.