
Life’s a Peach

There’s more than just flavor that makes peaches delicious. Here are 5 yummy factors that make peaches so incredible.

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Functional Foods for Gut Health

The gut is literally the gateway to health, and the first step to take in healing regardless of a diagnosis is to begin with the gut. You can begin healing the gut with functional foods.

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The Prolific Zucchini

If you have ever planted zucchini in your garden, you know first-hand just how prolific this plant can be. Zucchini reminds me of a the creature from Greek mythology called the Hydra, you know the one that grows multiple new heads when one is chopped off.

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3 Films to Transform Your Thoughts About Food

We live in a time where we have access to lots of information and it is our responsibility to learn, to question and decide for ourselves what is best for us. We need to figure out on our own what makes sense to us and what doesn’t, what we are ready to stand up for and what we should stand against. We need information so we can see what we can change, if change needs to be made and if it does, how to make those changes.

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Health Education-Recommended Reading

I often have people ask for resources so that they can learn more about what I know, I have shared some of my favorite, and easily accessible documentaries about healthful living. Now, I want to share some of my favorite books on healthful living

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