Brain-Based Chiropractic
Chiropractic has been producing amazing clinical results since it was discovered back in
Chiropractic has been producing amazing clinical results since it was discovered back in
According to The National Diabetes Statistics Report led by the Centre for Disease
They say that pain is the greatest motivator. After over 23 years in
You know that perfectly rested feeling you get after a good night’s sleep?
With over 22 years of clinical practice and helping thousands of parents and
Has meal time become a lost art in our culture? I believe that this may be the case for many families. Too many families are so over scheduled that it is normal to eat on the run, to eat while doing homework, watching TV or surfing the internet.
One of the major areas that I focus on with my clientele is
Regardless of your current age, we all want to make an impact and
If you have ever flown in an airplane, you have experienced air turbulence.
In a recent interview, Dr. Judson Brewer M.D., Ph.D., author of the book
160 N Main Bountiful UT 84010 | (801) 677-7878 | info@duggarwellness.com
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