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Allergy Pack

Allergy sufferers know just how miserable an overabundane of histamine can make you feel. There are some amazing natural formulas that are great at lowering the production of histamine, improving the body’s ability to clear the histamine already present, and to balance the immune system’s allergy response.

HistaEze™ is a synergistic blend of nutrients that provides natural support to help balance the immune response during allergy season. It features Tinofend®, a patented and clinically researched extract derived from the plant Tinospora cordifolia, which has been shown to regulate key immune mediators and support the activity of macrophages. Tinofend® supports the immune response by promoting a balance of phagocytic white blood cells and eosinophils.

HistaEze™ also contains quercetin, nettle leaf, and vitamin C, all of which have long histories of use in helping to support immune balance during the allergy season. Additionally, bicarbonate salts are included for their role in maintaining normal histamine metabolism.

Vitamin D Supreme provides a clinically useful dose of vitamin D3 along with vitamin K as both K1 and the MK-7 form of K2. This formula contains higher therapeutic doses than Vitamin D Synergy for situations where more aggressive repletion is required. Vitamins D and K are essential for optimal bone and arterial health and for maintaining the immune system in proper balance.

OmegAvail™ Ultra is a high potency omega-3 product, providing 600 mg EPA and 400 mg DHA in each two softgel serving. The digestive aid lipase is included to help prevent any fishy aftertaste, known as repeat, that sometimes occurs with fish oil supplements. Designs for Health fish oil products carry the TruTG™ seal, which are delivered in the form found in nature and are of superior TG potency. The TruTG™ seal guarantees a minimum 90% triglyceride-bound (TG) omega-3 fish oils, a level that is 40% – 50% higher than the industry standard for most TG fish oil concentrate products.

Fish oils are known to improve overall immune system balance and to lower inflammation.

Mega IgG2000 is a dairy-free immunoglobulin concentrate that supports healthy digestion, binds environmental toxins, and maintains healthy gut barrier function. Unlike other milk-derived immunoglobulins on the market, Mega IgG2000 is derived from bovine serum, making it lactose-free, casein-free, and β-lactoglobulin-free.

Since almost 80% of the immune system lines the digestive system, lowering gut reactivity has a profound effect on overall immune balance. Immunoglobulins also bind excess histamine in the GI tract.

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