HORMONE IMBALANCE – PMS, hot flashes, infertility, low sex drive
To make your journey here a little smoother, continue reading to learn more about our philosophy of health and our unique way of leading you back to balance.
So much of modern medicine is focused only on silencing symptoms and treating diseases instead of teaching people how to correct the causes of their issues.
What if there was a better way? One that avoided drugs and surgery as much as possible in favor of more natural solutions like diet, lifestyle, stress management, and herbs.
Choose your #1 health goal to see the best content for you:
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If you live in Northern Utah we’d love to help you maximize your structural health.
Watch our latest educational webinar on the latest safe and effective natural solutions for pain.
Regardless of where you live, our functional wellness model of lifestyle medicine can help you improve your health naturally.
Conventional medicine often treats symptoms as if they were all separate. Functional medicine approaches symptoms by looking at how they are connected.
Getting a clear picture of the nature and severity of your current symptoms can be an important first step along your journey.
Complete this simple survey so that we can get to work on finding some answers together.
Are you ready to reset your metabolism and lifestyle and reach your ideal weight?
Are you ready for a powerful change? Let us show you how to lose your first 5 pounds with us
Are you ready to take purposeful action to regain your health but not clear on your next steps? Click the button below to book a 15-minute Health Strategy Session with a member of our team*. We’ll help you map out where you are now, clarify where you want to go, and understand how our expertise can shorten your journey.
We charge $10 for this no-obligation zoom appointment with all proceeds donated directly to the Bountiful Food Pantry.
160 N Main Bountiful UT 84010 | (801) 677-7878 | info@duggarwellness.com
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